May 11, 2013

catching up....

Recently, I was reminded that I haven't posted anything lately.(someone actually checking my blog? wow!) She was right, its been at the bottom of the to-do list. So far down on the list, I think it hopped off the page! But, here I am. Hoping that this day will unfurl some wonderful revelation to make note here.
Truly, so much has happened, since my last post I wouldn't know where to begin. None of it earth shattering, nothing super amazing or super sad. Just busy-ness and life stuff.
Some highlights for this year so far include (in no particular order):
*The announcement of a sweet friend's engagement- wedding date June, 2014.
*A grand birthday bash for my dad's 80th! This got all my sisters and their families together under one roof. My, oh my, what a group!
*My grandson's 1st birthday.
*A trip to Tahoe, snow-less and blessed!
*A trip to Pismo to see a DooWop concert, singing the oldies and a quick visit with family.
*A new car for my husband.
*My birthday celebration (something I'm not used to).
*House of Prime Rib.
*Another friend's engagement- wedding date, October 2013.
As I review my list, there's some stuff to write about and I will find time (I promise) to tell you
all about it!  Keep watching.

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