May 11, 2013

...and then.....

January was spent organizing the year. (yes, the entire month!) Family, Gloreah, Purpose Group, Men's Group, Fellowship Group, work, vacation, holidays,  Aside from family, our Purpose Group is central and intregal to our lives.As empty and almost-empty nesters, one would imagine that our calendars would be wide open. But, that is NOT the case! It seems our lives have doubled in busy-ness!
So, we pinched and squeezed our calendars, moved and rescheduled dates and found time to spend together, PURPOSELY. We made our annual winter trek to Lake Tahoe together and it didn't disappoint. It was amazingly beautiful and fun-filled. God found us, blessed us and we left there filled with hope for the new year. Next, in our attempt to make more time to be with each other, we conquered a "favorite place" with our "favorite people"..... DISNEYLAND!   With my husband (tour guide extraordinaire) in charge of mapping out our weekend, we did all we could do in one relatively relaxed 72 hour period.  We talked and laughed and walked and walked and ran and rode and ate and walked and walked some more. We stood in lines, we waited and laughed-a lot. We got lost and found ourselves. We ate some more and thoroughly enjoyed the time, each other and the place.  We were wow'd by things we saw and we wondered at the psuedo-reality we got to participate in. Lights & colors more clear; our imaginations were stretched.  We were grateful for God's timing and His love enough for us to give us this time.  It was a fun road trip and also a blessed time to reconnect with old friends who live near there and to connect them with our wonderful purposeful travelling friends. We worshiped together and found peace and relaxation on the back porch of their home in the warmth of the sun and friendship. We were mesmerized by the cool breezes on the lake and of course, there was food and drink and it all nourished our souls. Yes, it was a wonderful time. All of which I'm ready to repeat.
We won't be going back to Disneyland any time soon, but we WILL be going on another road trip.
Central California here we come!  Watch for details as they unwind.

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