Aug 10, 2012

...and Justice for all....

Jury Duty. 
Our service to the community. We are all entitled to it. We are all supposed to be responsible for it. So,
if that's true, why have I been called up, faithfully, every 4 years or so, while my husband, and various other friends and co-workers have NEVER been called?  Why do I get to sit and wait in the cattle call room, for hours on end waiting, waiting and waiting? Why do I get to be hearded from floor to floor (4 flights, mind you) at least 3 times each day? To what do I owe the pleasure of sitting knee to knee with someone I have never even spoken with?  How about the lack of decor? Come on, a photo of the first judge of Santa Clara County? Is that the best you could do? Or what about the deprivation of any melodies except for the ringing of the elevators arriving or the tap, tap, tap of fingertips on IPADs, IPHONES and laptops.  Not one thing to entice me to want to be there.  Not one thing to draw me in and hold me other than my own sense of purpose and obligation.  Do the criminals we are providing this 'justice' to have these same  perks? If so, then it really is 'justice for all'!

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