Aug 12, 2012

I didn't know, until it happened.

The unexpected, last minute joy of spending time with my family and friends was more of a blessing than weeks of planning to make it happen!  This weekend was packed with those moments and it was absolutely PERFECT.
Saturday the plan was to meet coworkers and friends at the San Jose Giants game. The unexpected was my son and his family joining us!  Now, this was the perfect way to spend a Saturday night. Baseball, friends, hot dogs, grandbabies, garlic fries, son, daughter, daughter-in-law, churros, husband, conversation & a little more was delightful.  Before we knew it the game was over and we were all sad to leave.
Then on Sunday, we invited special  friends we had been missing to share dinner with us on spur of the moment. "Come early so we can have more time with you!" was the invite. And, by 4:30 all had arrived obviously craving the need for time together.  The conversation, the food, the level of like-mindedness we shared was a wonderful boost for me (and, I believe, for them too).
It seems that this summer has been filled with 'obligations' and less of this kind of frivolous time,
'just because'. It was nourishing and encouraging and fulfilling.
Thank You, Lord,  for meeting needs I wasn't even aware of!

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