Jul 18, 2012

I'm working on it.

As I lament my disappointment in humanity, I am reminded that it is situations like these that push me closer to the Throne. It is in moments of disappointment that I must find strength outside of myself. Somewhere beyond the physical He waits for me to be still and to listen.

I am my biggest disappointment, my worst enemy, greatest critic
and must find strength outside of myself to move from here to there.
(Some days are worse than others.)
I thank God for his Grace and Mercy. I can’t do it on my own.
The greatness of the love of our Father is my refuge, strength and sanity!

It’s funny how God uses the ordinary to teach the extraordinary.
The more I think about the importance of being who He wants me to be (despite the lack of cooperation of those around me), the more I realize how much He wants to pour into my own life.
This is such a simple truth that I need constant reminding of – as my Father, God desires for me to depend on him the way my kids used to depend on me to move and guide them.
As an adult, with so many things stretching me thin, I often start depending on myself and others – but not my Father God.
But thankfully, God knows those struggles and extends much Grace. He gently uses my own revelations to remind me that He is there, and that I will be able to experience full joy when I depend on Him.

I am working on being thankful in all things (1Thessalonians 5:18), even in disappointment.
I am working on extending grace to myself, knowing I am not yet finished, and I am not perfect (Romans 3:10).
And, I am working on knowing deeply God's love for me (Romans 8:37),
and I will fight the good fight (1Tim 6:12)!

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