Nov 7, 2012

I can still go there

How easily we can move from here to there when we mindlessly allow ourselves to be moved!
Right now, I am hearing the song "Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme".  This song transports me
back to my childhood, well, my early "teenage-hood".  Just like it was yesterday.....
...a warm and sultry late fall afternoon....sun going down, just beginning to dip behind the mountain,
casting long shadows on the front lawn and inside the front bedroom window.
My mom is playing Simon and Garfunkel as she prepares for yet another group meeting at our house.
Outside, my sisters are eeking out the last remnants of the day, while I am inside, gazing out the front bedroom window and in my teenaged, hormonal frenzy I find a sense of peace as I mull over the words and allow the tune to wrap around me. This is where I found peace then, and where I can often find it now.  In a song with a melody that soothes.  I especially love Simon and Garfunkel.  They have soothed many a crushed heart and mangled soul of mine.  I can always find myself somewhere in some song at some time when needed. Thanks, guys.

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