Feb 15, 2011

WOW...just wow

In the bleery-eyed darkness of the morning, I am contemplating the day with Isaiah in my arms.  As I deeply breathe in his baby scent and listen to the rhythm of his breathing, I am transported back into the long forgotten past. When my first child was born...1982. The surroundings are different and my life is 'evolved', but the darkness remains the same, the feeling of nurture is the same, the passion for this little life is the same,  the prayers are the same and the dreams are the same.   I am  struck by the sense of wonder I feel
There were so many hopes and dreams, so many things to do, places to go, things to learn & to become, to provide, to accomplish.....  Did I do them all?  Was I successful?  Did he get what he needed?  Did I do it right?  Honestly, I can't say that I did. And I don't remember all the lists.  I just don't know where the time went.  Today, I just pray that my God continues to guide his steps. That's what I can do today-pray, for my son, for his son.  So, that's what I do-pray.
Its been an amazing journey, this life of mine, from first child to first grandchild.  Lord, continue to bless my life with health, faith, joy and hope, that I may bless and impact this young life and all the rest that follow for a long time to come! Amen.

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