Feb 3, 2011

In the quiet

As I sit here, savoring the quiet, I feel satisfied and alone. 
Alone---it sounds so ominous, doesn't it?
But, the reality is that I love my life.  
(Really...there are only short moments when I find it really lonely.)  
I guess, I've made that my world. I am a caregiver.
Caregiving has very little real reciprocity.  My role as wife and mother fosters my caregiving role.
My job for 24 years as a childcare provider also fostered my caregiving role.
Being the oldest of 5 children, is where I learned to be a caregiver.  
Even in my closest personal relationships, I am the caregiver.
(Not sure if I fall into that roll or if I am given it in my relationships. 
THAT is a whole other subject.)
Nevertheless, it is satisfying.  My life is satisfying.
I am filled with a huge sense of completeness when I can be of any assistance,
give any wisdom, share any life experience. My heart delights in the opportunities
to give~ when I can be used.  
I thank God for what I have, what I can share, what I can give.
I truly am satisfied.
Another word I want to make mine this year...SATISFIED.
So in the quiet, I beg "Father, use me up for your glory!"

1 comment:

  1. You're my best and favorite care-giver. Thanks for being you. Love you.
