Dec 24, 2016


So, it just came to me.
A while ago a friend shared  " I must not ask the right questions." I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she said "because I noticed that you don't share alot about yourself without the questions." Wow!  Aaannddd, she's right!  I don't.
Last night, my husband actually asked me a thoughtful question (this does not usually happen) about my 'favorite Christmas gift'.  Although I couldn't identify a favorite gift, I explained in great detail what I could recall about 3 most memorable gifts from childhood. Then, this morning, when I was recalling the conversation (cuz I always want to make sure I was clear and being understood), I realized that I should have asked him the question back-asking him what his favorite gift was-and I didn't. And then it hit me. That's why I don't talk about myself!!!!!  I spend so much time being thoughtful about my answers, working at being clear and understood, that I forget to ask back. (I'm not good at tossing a boomerang either!)  No one notices, I'm sure. But after today, I sure will.
In my defense, I'm usually the one asking questions, gathering information, learning and getting deeper with folks. I have good and long and deep conversations and relationships as a result. But this revelation of knowing why I don't talk about myself, might just help me to reveal a little more of myself to others without counting on them to do the inquisition.  I am learning it's ok to have thoughts and opinions and then to actually share them. I'm also learning that there are people who listen and people who talk. I'm a listener. Most of my friends are talkers. Isn't that the way its supposed to be? Yin and Yang? Give and Take?
I'm not sure if that's a truth, but this world revolves around information. Mine. Yours. Good. Bad. Indifferent. I need to get my information out there, so folks know about it, know how I think and how I feel about it and how it affects my world! Yes! Yay!
2017 Here I come!

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