Jun 17, 2013

Its a Memory Maker

I love the beach.
I love my family.
I love my friends.
What a more perfect way to share and celebrate them all but to set aside a day
and invite all those I love to come to the beach?
That's what I did. What we did this past weekend.
What a wonderfully blessed time! Sunrise to almost sunset.
Family and friends mingling, sharing, eating, talking. Everyone in perfect fellowship!
It truly delighted my soul to stand-for just a moment-and watch the perfect connections
that God was making. Conversations- in depth, in love, in His way, His Word, His world.
It is amazing to me how He has created this circle of my life. He never ceases to amaze me.
He walks me through life and points out these moments that I hold onto; to encourage me
to edify me, to motivate me, to keep me moving in His will, His way.
These moments that are memory makers for this bridge builder.
I love it!
I love Him for opening my eyes to this wonder.  Another in a long string of wonders I
hold dear and treasure.

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