Nov 21, 2012

Second Fiddle

That's me, the one on the right.  

I've got all the parts to be played, to be used, to be loved and I'm ready to make beautiful music, but I feel like no one notices.  I feel like I'm the after thought, the one who's expendable, or at the very least the one that can be moved, rescheduled and set aside, 'until later' or 'next time'. 
"She'll understand."  
Not really people!!! Not really!!!  I don't get it.
It's like, they can't see the actual parts, so they figure I can't be played?  So, where is my significance? Am I just the form of what I could be?
Could it be true? That no one wants to play with me?

{Probably not, but today it certainly feels like that.  I was feeling like a 'second fiddle', and the thoughts just started bubbling up...CALM DOWN, Cathy.  Tomorrow is another day.}

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