Oct 25, 2012

something different this year

Retreat. The Annual Retreat.
It used to be in Tahoe, at the family condo, where everyone is familiar with the
surroundings, inside and out.
This year, it's someplace new. Groveland, Pine Mountain Lake, at a family cabin.
It sounds awfully quaint and quiet and very remote. Where nothing is familiar.
Part of the tradition of the retreat is about the preparations, about praying over everything, about hostessing,
about having everything prepared, so that the 'guests' could simply come and relax. It's about
nurturing those in attendance.  It's about providing a wonderful, relaxing experience- allowing
the guests to be free from what they do everyday-clean, organize, cook, etc.
"Please bring...fire logs?  water bottles?  kleenex? tp? papertowels? etc, etc, etc..."
Nothing wrong with that at all.  Nothing. 
{Then why does it feel empty?}

Everyone is arriving at the same time.
No one has gone ahead and forged the way.
No one has opened the blinds & turned on the heat.  No one has strategically, neatly or purposely placed folders and goodie bags on all the beds. No one has prayed over my bed, my room, the kitchen,
the front door. No one has praised God here before me, so that the walls know what that is.

THIS is trusting God. I can't wait!!!

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