Sep 2, 2012

the best laid plans

A Mecca.
Well, at least it is to my husband.
You see, we were unable to follow through with plans to visit Disney World last fall.
And since then, that's all I've heard about, whenever he can throw it out there "I haven't been to Disneyland
in forever" or "I miss Disneyland" or even "Sure wish we could go go Disneyland". 
So, a secret plan was hatched. 
As we survived our daughter's wedding and looked forward to our 33rd anniversary I thought "why not
go to Disneyland in style to celebrate our anniversary?".  I began to investigate places and prices and timing 
and could actually get a good deal through Disney Destinations. I contacted Dennis' employer and got the time off approved  for him, too!  So, I took the leap and made the reservations at the best hotel I could think of-The Grand Californian.  Just a couple of nights would be manageable and 3 days at the park!  Oh, he's gonna love it!  I  made flight arrangements and it was all set- 6 weeks in advance.  It was perfectly planned for the weekend after the Labor Day holiday (the park should be a bit quieter with kids back in school and most vacations over with).  But could I keep the secret?  Of course I could, I think.  Although, as it drew nearer, I found it more and more difficult to get it off my own mind. Then all the documents arrived and it was even more exciting!  More plotting and planning transpires in order to reveal the surprise.  I email family and friends to let them know what the plans are, in case I neglect to do so in all the excitement that would follow the 'reveal', swearing them all to secrecy. I just know that he is going to be so surprised!
Then, it happens.
Dennis is hospitalized and surgery is planned for 3 days before our planned departure date!!!!  Can the surgery be postponed?  "It isn't an acute situation, but because it could happen doing the most mundane thing you could be stuck in L.A. when it happens again". Oh Man!  Seriously?
After all this planning and secrecy we can't go?  I am really bummed.
 I contact Disney and Southwest. Both assure me that we can change the dates without much hassle. But now, our calendar for the next 45 days is booked with his recovery and other prior engagements.
Oh well.  I will still surprise him with the package at our anniversary dinner.
But now, I don't have any idea when we will be able to go.
I'll leave that up to Dennis, after the surprise, of course.

Happy 33rd Anniversary!

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