Aug 30, 2012

new beginings

My son and his wife have just announced that they have purchased their first house!  Ah...the memories flood my heart.  I remember when......all the excitement, the 'now what?' concerns, problems, issues. I remember feeling like life can finally begin...this is what we've been working for! Finally!
The journey was long and hard, but God has provided what we trust to be THE perfect place for them.  So, we will continue to trust Him in that and keep moving. There are many obstacles to be met and overcome- from business & childcare logistics to daily drives, work & community needs--all small in the big picture, but significant when its not yet tangible. Once they can feel it, taste it and experience it, all the blocks will fall into place.
Soon enough, it will be a home. Cozy, inviting, comfortable and the place they rest their busy and weary bodies each night. It will be the place where they host family and friends to share joys and so many 'firsts' will happen there. First steps, first Christmas, first birthdays, first projects.  It will be theirs alone.  It will be the place where memories are made and dreams are fulfilled. They will develop new relationships, establish themselves in the community and find ways to minister right where they live. It will fill a physical and spiritual void and propel them further into this life in ways they would never imagine!  Their children will grow and thrive in their very own spaces, knowing they are home. In the years to come, they will always refer to "the house we lived in on San Sebastian" and smile as they share their own memories.
I am so very, very excited for them and so wonderfully blessed to know that my God can do ALL things for those who love Him.  I pray that they are able to grasp the immensity and all the possibilities that this transition holds for them.  I pray that they are able to savor the moments, take their time and enjoy it all, so that they can look back when they have lived their lives there, and the rooms are once again empty they can say "this was a blessed, God-filled home".

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