Sep 16, 2012


 Mark. BFF to my husband.
 Debbie.  His awesome wife.
Summed up, time with them is an UPROARIOUSLY, HILARIOUS, KICK BUTT time.
You see, Dennis and Mark have known each other since, that's about 53 years!  As a result, their humorous shared-life stories are perfectly timed. So perfectly timed that sometimes I can hear the cymbal (ba*dum) at the end of each punchline.
Catching up with them and sharing life warms my heart and I feel connected-again.
We had lunch together and OMG, I have not laughed that hard in a long time!  You know, the kind where your belly muscles hurt and your eyes water to the point of real crying?! It was delightfully refreshing. I love them and I always lament their going home. The time between visits is always longer than we want, and I worry that they'll forget us.  But, when we do finally get to be together, without skipping a beat, we always, easily, pick up where we left off and THAT, my friends is BFF!!!!
                                          BEST FRIENDS FOREVER
                      Basking in Fits of Fun Before Fate Falls and memories Begin to Fade Fast.

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