Aug 3, 2012

such joy!

I just adore my grandsons! They are pure JOY.
They spent the night last night (so Mom and Dad could have an evening together, sharing a quiet, grown-up meal and a concert). What a blessing!
Isaiah is growing up so fast and Simon is such a precious soul. They are both handsome
reflections of their parents. Sparkling eyes of their mom and the stature and disposition of their dad. Sharing time with them brings back so many reminders of days gone by....endless hugs and smiles and even devilish temptations. Giggles, wonder, and ah yes, those games of repetition. "Do it again, do it again". Life and love are unconditional. How I miss those days.

I love the time we have together. Any time. (I'm even willing to share it with Pappa.) Just to watch them wonder at the world cleanses my soul. To watch them maneuver through the world in such a state of awe, with no preconceived thoughts or ideas, no expectations. Just experiencing the world as it is. Learning. The purity that they not only carry, but what they give in that state warms my heart. It assures me that all is right with the world, albeit for only a moment.

I am reminded that this is how God intended life to be. As adults, we certainly muck that up, don't we? I want to live my life in that state to the best of my adult-ability. I want to give the best, see the best and strive for the best. I want wonder to permeate my day, to be open and available to learn moment to moment. I want to share it, pass it on. Give it away.
I value wonder. I treasure joy. I choose to live there. Always.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

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