Mar 2, 2012


Today I read through all of my blogs--waaaaay back to the begining.  Whew! Not as many as I had hoped for when I started this gig, but a good, strong start. To that, I am proud.
In my very first post I said that I would be faithful. Faithful to writing, faithful to my heart and truth, and faithful to my Creator~ openly honoring Him and humbly relying on Him.  I believe I have been.
I have also been surprisingly transparent. In that uncovering, all the hurt, the pain, the sadness, the joy and happiness are all very real and is actually palpable when I read it (and re-live it).
This has been an interesting journey. It's as if I get to see me as in a mirror, and this is a good thing! You see, me and mirrors don't generally get along. In fact, any reflection of myself is avoided, since what I see is not what I feel I am and not at all what I want to be.  I would say that I am working on this, but the truth is that God is working on this...and there is just so much work here. I am not afraid to say that I am a work in progress. At 55 years old, I am still "in progress".  That's actually pretty fantastical to say.  I am so glad that I am not finished yet!
I will continue to blog, to put on paper the thoughts & feelings that make up my life. Thank you, whoever you are, for reading, for 'listening' to me figure this life out. What comfort there is in the fact that this all means something, if only for me in the long run.
 "We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be"
May Sarton

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