Oct 17, 2011

Come On...Say YES!

A mother's dream...well my dream.  Yes, I got to go shopping with my daughter for her wedding dress!
Not that I had any real dreams about it, but you know, it's one of those 'full circle' moments~ like watching your children have children. Yes, these moments hold lots of emotion for me.  Its "hidden-in-the-heart" and  "nestled-in-my-mind" stuff, but mostly swaddled in my heart~ all for safe keeping.
She said YES...and in that moment, I watched my baby girl transform from child to woman.
She was cute, now she is beautiful. She used to awkwardly play dress up and now I can say that she is graceful.  She used to make mudpies and serve them, today she is precious & fragile.  She is glowing.
And in that instant a myriad of thoughts and feelings flood my mind and  blindside me.  Her life flashes before my eyes and they fill just to the brink of overflowing.
Today she is my child.  Reality is that she's not mine for long.

In subsequent, melancholy moments I understand that she never was mine. God let me hold her.  He molded her, He grew her.  And as she grew, I spoke with the Gardener himself freely and believed that He would make her who He wanted her to be. I can see that today.  She is His; a fine and priceless work of art. Incomplete & unfinished, yet so very beautiful in this moment; just who she is supposed to be, for this moment, this time, this place, this man, Benjamin Allen.

My prayer is that she will realize who she is in Christ. That she will know who she is purposed to be today, tomorrow and every day after that. And, in that knowledge, may she walk in strength and courage to move from moment to moment confident that all she lives makes her who God wants her to be.  That all she does, honors the Gardener who waits for her to bloom in perfect timing, in every season.

And, all she had to do was say YES......

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