Aug 24, 2011

wa hoooo

The Beach and Tahoe
 back to back?
How crazy is that?
It's a blessing and a bit daunting as I ponder what needs to be done in a mere 48 hours to get ready for them!
Maybe I'm the crazy one!                                             ...Nah.....I love it!
It will totally be worth the next three sleepless nights, the endless lists, running around town, fighting Friday traffic, competing for parking spaces, cooking, laundry, packing, and
looking for the perfect and unique to share!
(It's the remembering part that is daunting. Everything else I can handle with joy!)
"Hosting the Beach" is so much fun.  Tahoe will be the reward and
relaxation after the party!  Not to mention its a time to celebrate our anniversary.
 Our 32nd anniversary!
wa hoooo!  

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