Dec 24, 2016


So, it just came to me.
A while ago a friend shared  " I must not ask the right questions." I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she said "because I noticed that you don't share alot about yourself without the questions." Wow!  Aaannddd, she's right!  I don't.
Last night, my husband actually asked me a thoughtful question (this does not usually happen) about my 'favorite Christmas gift'.  Although I couldn't identify a favorite gift, I explained in great detail what I could recall about 3 most memorable gifts from childhood. Then, this morning, when I was recalling the conversation (cuz I always want to make sure I was clear and being understood), I realized that I should have asked him the question back-asking him what his favorite gift was-and I didn't. And then it hit me. That's why I don't talk about myself!!!!!  I spend so much time being thoughtful about my answers, working at being clear and understood, that I forget to ask back. (I'm not good at tossing a boomerang either!)  No one notices, I'm sure. But after today, I sure will.
In my defense, I'm usually the one asking questions, gathering information, learning and getting deeper with folks. I have good and long and deep conversations and relationships as a result. But this revelation of knowing why I don't talk about myself, might just help me to reveal a little more of myself to others without counting on them to do the inquisition.  I am learning it's ok to have thoughts and opinions and then to actually share them. I'm also learning that there are people who listen and people who talk. I'm a listener. Most of my friends are talkers. Isn't that the way its supposed to be? Yin and Yang? Give and Take?
I'm not sure if that's a truth, but this world revolves around information. Mine. Yours. Good. Bad. Indifferent. I need to get my information out there, so folks know about it, know how I think and how I feel about it and how it affects my world! Yes! Yay!
2017 Here I come!

Sep 11, 2013

Making Memories

I am hanging in with great anticipation! You see, a dream is coming true. You will think it silly, however it means the world to me. We are taking our grandsons camping with us  for the first time! Well, really more like what is lovingly called "clamping".  We have borrowed an RV, and will be meeting up with extended family for a glorious time at the beach. Pismo Beach. An annual trek to a family reunion for the past 25 years. The park we stay at is a campers paradise and a Mecca for kids. Grass, trees, sand, surf, mini golf, playgrounds (yes that is with an "s").  A pool, bikes to rent and even soft-serve at the store!  I pray that the  Lord will give us supernatural energy & strength enough to keep up with a 19 month old and 34 month old!!! I pray in Thanksgiving for this gift of time, outside our daily routines, to be with them and to develop those childhood memories that last a lifetime!   Thank you Lord.

Jun 17, 2013

Empty Days

From full and frantic days to days empty of purpose.
Lord give me perspective.
Help me to find purpose in the emptiness.
Direct my thoughts and give me hope.

Its a Memory Maker

I love the beach.
I love my family.
I love my friends.
What a more perfect way to share and celebrate them all but to set aside a day
and invite all those I love to come to the beach?
That's what I did. What we did this past weekend.
What a wonderfully blessed time! Sunrise to almost sunset.
Family and friends mingling, sharing, eating, talking. Everyone in perfect fellowship!
It truly delighted my soul to stand-for just a moment-and watch the perfect connections
that God was making. Conversations- in depth, in love, in His way, His Word, His world.
It is amazing to me how He has created this circle of my life. He never ceases to amaze me.
He walks me through life and points out these moments that I hold onto; to encourage me
to edify me, to motivate me, to keep me moving in His will, His way.
These moments that are memory makers for this bridge builder.
I love it!
I love Him for opening my eyes to this wonder.  Another in a long string of wonders I
hold dear and treasure.